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CEO Nguyen Thi Kim Huyen and charity trip from WLIN Charming to connect love

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CEO Nguyen Thi Kim Huyen and charity trip from WLIN Charming to connect love
CEO Nguyen Thi Kim Huyen and charity trip from WLIN Charming to connect love
04/01/2021 - 09:01:42 AM | 70
On December 26 - 27, WLIN Charming Club had a volunteer trip to Ba Ria - Vung Tau. Here, the club awarded 20 scholarships (each worth 2,670,000 VND), and at the same time donated 70,000,000 VND to support the construction of houses of love for poor studious students of Tran Van Quan High School. The total value given is up to 123,400,000 VND.

With the spirit of mutual affection, towards difficult situations and in need of help, WLIN Charming periodically organizes volunteer trips as a tradition of the club to get closer to the community, especially young people. Children and students are the future preschools of the country. And this time, the place chosen by the members to carry out the love journey is Tran Van Quan High School in Long Dien District - Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province.




More than 34 members were present very early to prepare for this meaningful journey. The delegation was present at Tran Van Quan High School at exactly 8:30 a.m. to prepare for the ceremony.



Here, WLIN Charming awarded 20 scholarships to students with difficult circumstances but with good academic achievements. Each scholarship is worth VND 2,670,000, donated and supported by the members themselves.


Ms. Jolie Kim Huyen – President of WLIN Charming Club represented at the program

Besides, WLIN Charming also supported building a new house worth 70,000,000 VND for Le Hoang Ngoc Trinh. It is known that WLIN Charming previously surveyed the difficult situation of her and her family. This time back, the members moved and were at my house to directly give the small gifts that the members contributed to the family. With that in mind, the program is also actively supported by Ba Ria - Vung Tau TV station.



Photos of members present at Le Hoang Ngoc Trinh's house to directly give the support amount of VND 70,000,000

Representing WLIN Charming speaking at the Scholarship Award Ceremony, Ms. Jolie Kim Huyen shared: “This trip is within the framework of Term III and we are happy to accompany the loving connection program of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Radio and Television Station, to give gifts. 20 gifts including cash and gifts worth VND 2,670,000/piece and building a house of love for student Le Hoang Ngoc Trinh. All of them are students of Tran Van Quan High School, Long Dien District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau.




With a heart of giving, always wanting to give more value to the community, myself and the sisters in WLIN Charming Club hope to contribute to nurturing generations of students of the school, incubating the seeds. for successful and decent citizens for society and for the country.




I would like to send my best wishes to the Board of Directors, teachers, staff, and students of the school. May the teacher and teacher always keep their passion for the profession, be the silent ferryman to bring them to the shore of knowledge. I would also like to express my gratitude to the hearts of the sisters in the club who have contributed to making a meaningful trip and keeping the beauty of Charming's traditional culture: Giving is forever!" (Excerpt verbatim).


This timely support action of the members of WLIN Charming has partly helped the poor and studious students have more money to cover their living and study expenses as well as have more faith and energy to overcome adversity. ready to conquer the difficult road ahead. The school's Board of Directors also expressed their gratitude and gratitude to the golden hearts of the female leaders and hoped that the female leaders would continue their journey of spreading love to the community and society, because women's advancement.




Also on this occasion, 34 female leaders participating in the journey also took time to rest and relax with exciting and exciting team building games. Besides, the members also enjoyed the exchange space in the Gala Dinner with special and attractive performances. This can be seen as a reward for members after hours of hard work. Now, they can sit together, share the past as well as prepare to welcome a brighter new year.



The 2 days 1 night team building volunteering trip of the female leaders of WLIN Charming ended with a lot of joy, laughter and indescribable emotions. Happy to have helped many situations that need cooperation, happy to see the bright and innocent smiles of children, happy to have spent time together and done meaningful and positive things for the children. em. We believe that this will be the motivation for WLIN Charming to continue writing its own inspirational story.

Let's take a look at the past photos of WLIN Charming!













Nguồn: https://womenleadersforum.vn/en/tin-tuc/wlin-charming-tiep-suc-cho-cac-em-hoc-sinh-ngheo-hieu-hoc-tai-ba-ria-vung-tau/

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